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Click on a Smiley to insert it in your message.

Smiley n°1 Smiley n°2 Smiley n°3 Smiley n°4 Smiley n°5 Smiley n°6 Smiley n°7 Smiley n°8 Smiley n°9 Smiley n°10 Smiley n°11 Smiley n°12 Smiley n°13 Smiley n°14 Smiley n°15 Smiley n°16 Smiley n°17 Smiley n°18 Smiley n°19 Smiley n°20 Smiley n°21 Smiley n°22
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.: Clicking on "?", displays contextual help text :.

.: Write with Bold style :.
You can write in bold style using the [b] and [/b] tags.

Hello, [b]El Konkonbré M@squed[/b], are you OK?

Here you can see what will be displayed:

Hello, El Konkonbré M@squed, are you OK?

.: TIP :.

- You can select a portion of text and click the button. This will put the chosen tags at the beginning and at the end of the selected text.

.: Write with Italic style :.
You can write in italic style using the [i] and [/i] tags.

Hello, [i]El Konkonbré M@squed[/i], are you OK?

Here you can see what will be displayed:

Hello, El Konkonbré M@squed, are you OK?

.: TIP :.

- You can select a portion of text and click the button. This will put the chosen tags at the beginning and at the end of the selected text.

.: Write with Underlined style :.
You can underline text, using the [u] and [/u] tags.

Hello, [u]El Konkonbré M@squed[/u], are you OK?

Here you can see what will be displayed:

Hello, El Konkonbré M@squed, are you OK?

.: TIP :.

- You can select a portion of text and click the button. This will put the chosen tags at the beginning and at the end of the selected text.

.: Insert an URL :.
You can add hyperlinks, using the [url=] and [/url] tags.

Here is, [url=]my website[/url], do you know it?

Here you can see what will be displayed:

Here is, my website, do you know it?


- Don't put your URL address in double quotes.
Example of what you must *not* do:
Here is, [url=""]my website[/url], do you know it?

.: TIP :.

- You can select a portion of text and click the button. This will put the chosen tags at the beginning and at the end of the selected text.

.: Write in Color :.
You can use colored text, using the [color=] and [/color] tags.

Hello, [color=#FF0000]El Konkonbré M@squed[/color], are you OK?

Here you can see what will be displayed:

Hello, El Konkonbré M@squed, are you OK?

.: TIP :.

- You can select a portion of text and click the button. This will put the chosen tags at the beginning and at the end of the selected text.

Translated by DJims
π A.I-Pifou, Livre d'or
Created by El konkonbré M@squed